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71 items found for "David Habben"
Themes (16)
- The Arch-Hive: Midwinter at the Gates of Dawn
Tyler Alexander Brinnley Ashton Erik Bremer Maddison Colvin Caitlin Connolly Christian Degn Lisa DeLong David Habben Nate Hardyman Rachel Henrikson Kathryn Ivy Rees Emily Larsen LAZERos Hayley Labrum Morrison Janiece
- David Carter: Holy Hand Grenades
, November 3rd, at 6 pm for a reception opening HOLY HAND GRENADES, an exhibition of photographs by David From the Mormon mom with a grenade for a head to the four-armed “Adams and Eves,” David has been using Writ & Vision will exhibit the work David has produced for the Fall 2017 issue of Sunstone—an independent “David has a genius for producing images that are both instantly readable and endlessly interpretable
- Visions of Heavenly Mother: Curated by McArthur Krishna
Lisa DeLong, Laura Erekson, Linda Etherington, Rebecca Everett, Sage Gallagher, Michelle Gessell, David Habben, Lisa Jensen, McArthur Krishna, Emilie Buck Lewis, Normandie Shael Luscher, Shari Lyon, Sopheap